Today we use quiet a lot of two way radio communication mediums to share personal and business details. Are you sure this data or information shared is secure? Who can guarantee the security of the systems we use in our day to day lives? How can we secure our communication systems from possible hackers or virtual thieves? The answers to these questions depends upon the type of communication system we use, its purpose in our lives and the role it plays to help us do the work we intent to do using them.
Communication is imperative among humans and so it is among other living beings too. So man developed a language through which he started sharing his thoughts. Initially it was commuted through hand signals or actions. Then words, sentences and finally a proper fully fledged language were formed for communication purpose. This differed from region to region and from country to country. Still a limitation was existent as all people couldn't understand other languages and only the people nearby were able to commute. This started off the fire of communication which later evolved and is finally in a state today where even the remotest person living in Antarctica can call Japan in few seconds.
Coming back to secured two way radio communication, the more man depended on communication the need for its security also became imperative. When two people shared something important they expect their messages to be private and safe. So they started using security devices to safeguard the communication systems from being hacked by third parties. Normal everyday communication has some security and we do trust that no one is tapping our calls. When communication is done for more serious matters then special care should be taken to increase the security mode of the device that we use. Mostly commercial and military operations need secured two way radio communication systems. In recent years we hear so much about top secret messages from government or military sources being intercepted by terrorists. The same happens the other way too wherein the military or police intercept the enemy connections.

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