Mobile tactical communications are communication facilities which allow people to get in touch when the usual civic communication channels are down. The ideal mobile tactical communications system will be jam-resistant, adaptive, mobile and secure. It would have multiple accesses, wideband mobile receiver, laser communication technology and ability to propagate the channel.

Military communications need to be integrated as there are many manned, unmanned devices working in tandem with the infantry and other units of the army – in the highly isolated areas like a battle field or a disaster affected area. Proper conduction of an operation requires effective communication. Making mobile tactical communications inevitable – this requires an interoperable system which works with tactical radios, local area networks and wide area networks. These systems are stand alone which can function with the help of the technology the mobile phones work on using the GSM, GPRS and satellite technologies or the humble two way radio which used the electromagnetic waves to convey messages. The Morse code though obsolete should not be forgotten.
Mobile tactical communications came in handy during the various terrorist attacks like the 9/11 of the world trade centre when the commercial cellular lines were hit in the epicentre and the hurricane Katrina too. Mobile tactile communications can help connect to the outside world and save lives – when someone’s injured and requires hospitalization, as for help when completely surrounded by enemy, call for food and medicines for the people marooned in floods and similar situations.
Mobile tactile communications are not only the requirement of the army but also the rangers of the forests, the rescue workers of the areas affected by the natural disasters, police and other government officials, social workers, and the common man. When there are billions of dollars being spent on advancement and development of technology and other facilities the development of the mobile tactical communications will change the way we all communicate – it uses the radio the voice over the internet protocol and other intelligent and commonly available technologies.

When war-like conditions arise at a terrorist attack or a natural disaster all communication links get jammed then the mobile tactical communications are the answer to the need of the moment as these technologies will help keep in touch with loved ones. The cables, the communication hubs, the usual modes of communication could be affected or as the lines are jammed more communication options may be required or a platform to streamline the rescue or other operations may be required to instruct people and public in general at such times the high and multi-frequency mobile tactical communications would be very effective. The hurt and the injured may require medical attention – call for land and air ambulances, fire brigades, medical emergency vans and law enforcement agencies would be made easy and timely in the hour of need.
Mobile tactical communications are the need of the hour and should be posted at focal point throughout the cities to help communicate at the times when other communication devices have suffered damage or overload.
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