Military radio aerials are transducers designed to transmit or receive electromagnetic waves which are converted into electrical currents and vice versa. These Military radio aerials are used in point-to-point radio communication, radars, wireless LAN and even in space exploration. These can be used in air, underwater, underground and even outer space. Satellites are used to send and receive data to facilitate this mode of communication.

Military radio aerials are wire of structure arranged such that it generates and radiates the electromagnetic waves when an alternating current is applied. Their size too differs according to the type of system being used; they are even mounted on bionic bugs to spy on enemies. Most military radio systems and military radio aerials give undeterred comm-links.
Usually amateur radios are used in military comms – these are mostly used for emergency needs. Amateur radio is not dependent on the local or terrestrial facilities as they sometimes fail. The military radio aerials improvise a signal which ensures a regular dependable performance and all times from any place on the earth as long as the frequency is known. This makes them ideal for use during
disaster relief and other remote operations.
These can be used at the time of active war & terrorist attacks; they ensure safety from commercial and industrial espionage and safe communication to research institutions, etc. Military radio aerials are very powerful and can meet the diverse needs of the military forces and other institutions.

Military radio aerials are secure to use because as soon as war breaks out the enemies first target is to cripple the communication system as a part of the strategy to isolate the enemy. Aerials are stand-alone, light and portable. The difference between an antenna and an aerial is that an antenna is a large metallic structure, known as a transceiver as opposed to an aerial which is a wire which can be held in any direction to facilitate communication – in fact it can be adjusted to transmit and receive radio frequencies just like it elder larger cousin. There are different kinds of aerials – a single vertical aerial that transmits signals at 360 degrees or in the form of a sphere. There are mobile aerials on cars, truck, cell phones and radio aerials which transmit in different patterns due to which the different radio channels at different frequencies are possible.
Military radio aerials have different frequency receptions and capacities depending upon the type of communication system installed. The best communication system is when the signals are sent and received in an uninterrupted manner even in places like underground bunkers, through thick rocks and caves or other remote locations like the tops of mountains and deep cervices in the hills, on the high and deep seas in the submarines.
Generally huge reception antennas are used for the base stations but the military radio aerials are ideal for the operations on temporary or mobile bases as they are light weight, easy to carry and setup, thus very crucial for military ops.
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