March 8, 2010

Home Office Scientific Development Exhibition

Communication Specialists and CommVert will be attending the Home Office Scientific Devlopment Exhibition on the 16th - 19th March in Farnborough. We will be on Stand U28 if you want to come and pay us a visit :)

Background Information
The HOSDB 2010 exhibition is the UK's only secure event for displaying the latest security equipment for law enforcement and public security. It focuses on the four key Home Office business areas:
Crime and Policing
Security and Counter Terrorism
Identity Management and Border Security

To meet the demand from exhibitors and visitors HOSDB 2010 is moving to Farnborough in Hampshire - just over half an hour away from central London by train and from Heathrow airport by road. The new venue offers a secure facility with ample on-site parking and local hotel accomodation.

In 2009 visitors from 44 countries attended, with 230 exhibitors. This year HOSDB and the organisers, A|D|S have joined forces with UK Trade and Investment Defence and Security Organisation (UKTI DSO) to invite senior policing and government security representatives from around the world. They will be hosted on a formal government-to-government basis.

There will be around 3,000 security products in over 150 different categories on show with products ranging from microchips to body armour.

Senior government officials will be running a series of one hour workshops to provide briefing on key areas of government programmes - open to all exhibitors at the event.

In recognition of the increased level of formal overseas delegations the event will run for three days.

Because of the specialist nature of this exhibition, entry criteria is strict. Visitors must be employees or agents of the police service, government security and law enforcement agencies - plus military and some select providers of Critical National Infrastructure.

For more information on visiting or exhibiting contact Ruediger Kanne of CommVert or call him on +44(0)1256 766 600.

Visitors may also register online for the HOSDB exhibition